Happy Pockey Day! – Allen

Good morning everyone. Today is November 11th, and it is Pockey Day in Japan. Why?   Because 11/11 looks like pockey snacks. Honestly, this is just a clever marketing idea by the company. If you can associate a calendar day with your product, then it will get more recognition. Another example is on Mother’s Day in Canada, many many people buy Kentuky Fried Chicken. They have succeeded in linking that event and their product as a way to “give mothers a break from cooking”. Clever, right?

Today I have a quiz for you. If 11/11 is Pockey Day, how about these other dates?

November 11 = Pocky Day!

November 29 =

January 5 =

August 3 =

August 7 =

December 3 =

Hints: Good meat day! One Two Three day! Strawberry day! Banana day! Honey day!

In other countries, November 11th has a much more serious meaning. Why don’t you search for “Remembrance Day” to learn about the Canadian holiday?