Table Manners – Dec. 2022

Hello everyone,

Today and tomorrow the first grade high school students will leave school early. They will be attending a lesson about table manners at a nearby hotel (and eating some delicious food too!) Teachers don’t get to go though…

The food they will eat is French, so I imagine they are learning how to use a European place setting. My own manners are a bit rusty, but I always remember “start fromt he outside and work to the center”. So the first spoon on the outside on the right (the soup spoon) is the first spoon you use because usually soup is served first.

Obviously things are different in Japan because we are using chopsticks. So, I decided to search online for advice on chopshicks manners for people who are visiting Japan. I found this interesting guide… but then I saw some bad news! There are defiantely 3 or 4 of these rules that I break often at home! Maybe I need my own table manner lesson…

How about you? Do you have perfect table manners, or are you breaking some of these rules too? Have a good week!