The Benefit of Good Exercise  XAN

My homeroom class has physical education (PE) classes about two times every week. Recently, they have been preparing for the exciting Sports Day activities, which are coming soon.

Now might be a good time to think about the benefits of having PE class and playing sports.

Well, firstly, it is good for your body. Strong and flexible bodies are healthy because they will not be injured or get sick easily. 金剛不壊 (こんごうふえ)とは正にこの謂い。

But everyone already knows that one, I think. 多言は要しなかろう。

I was reading the newspaper recently, and found that there is another great benefit too, and I want to share it with you: Sports have great mental effects.

An article in The Mainichi explains in detail. Adults who exercise for at least one hour, three days a week have a great sense of fulfillment (充実感) in their lives.

Also, among 16 year olds who play sports three times a week, 60% of girls and 48% of boys feel strongly that they “want to struggle to the end to accomplish their goals”. (「なんでも最後までやり遂げたいと思う」)

These are amazing results. And this is a great benefit.

So, Shin-Ai students, if you feel tired and stressed from studying, please go out and play some sports. It will make you stronger, help your stress, and it will motivate you to fight to the end.

Good luck, Shin-Ai ladies. You can do it!

‘”Sense of fulfillment” high among adults who exercise more than 3 days a week: Japan agency’, “The Mainichi”, 2023/10/12

「週3日以上の運動習慣、中高年の生活充実度高く スポーツ庁調査」『毎日新聞』2023年10月08日