We’re going to need a bigger wall… – July 2023

Hello everyone,

It is Saturday, which means there is only one week remaining in the first term! Next week we have parent/teacher conferences for three days, which is a good chance for you to tackle your summer homework before your vacation begins. Don’t leave it to the last minute! Get it done quickly!

The end of the term also means that students are getting ready for summer clubs. Our school has been really successful this year, which you can see when you walk in front of the school. Our wall of pride is almost covered!

Basketball, volleyball, soft tennis, photography, and announcing… five clubs gong to nationals this summer! Great job everybody!

Whatever your challenge this summer, whether it is finishing your homework or competing in club, I hope you do your best and have a great break.

(Quiz time. When I wrote the title of this blog, I was thinking of a famous line from the summer blockbuster “Jaws”. When the sheriff sees the shark for the first time, he turns to his team and says “We’re gonna need a bigger _________!”

Come tell me if you know the answer!)