English is Everywhere! – July 2020

Hello everyone,

These days the weather has been very bad, especially in western Japan. I hope your homes and your families are ok. Every morning I wake up and check the weather conditions, I imagine you do too. Well, if you do something everyday, try to do it in English! That is called a habit, and it is a nice way to have English in your daily life.

For example, the Japanese government has a weather website, and the information is in both Japanese and English. You can find it here: http://www.jma.go.jp/en/warn/index.html

If you don’t know some of the words, that is ok. Check your dictionary, or change the website languange back to Japanese to check. When you need information, it is easier to remember it.

This goes the same for many things. Try changing your smartphone language to English to learn other new words that you use everyday.

Have a good week and stay dry!