Graduation 2019

Hello everyone,

Today is a special day for our school. Our third grade high school students have their graduation ceremony with their family and friends. Our ceremony is a celebration with music, singing, and words from people who have supported students through their Shin-ai life.

An English word we can use for today is “bittersweet”. On one hand, it is very nice to be finished school, and to have accomplished something so wonderful. On the other hand, our students are leaving the safety and routine of their school for a future that is hard to imagine right now.

To all graduates, your world is about to open up in many different ways. I hope you explore your new chances and opportunites with the same energy and excitement you brought to school each day. At the same time, keep the important lessons of your school life with you, as they will guide you in difficult times.

Be stong and courteous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9

All the best, Allen.