Hello everyone,
We are more than two months into the new year, how is your school life? This year my class is H1D, who are all new students to Shin-ai. They have a big challenge to get used to a new school, new teachers, and new lessons.
Teachers also have a big job to get ready at the start of the year. We have many different classes and new students. Sometimes I get 400 notebooks in a week, how can I stay organized?
For H1D homework, Nakatani-sensei set up this system for our mornings. With many different English and math teachers, it is easy for students to hand in their homework.
How about you? What does your desk, locker, or bag look like? Now that you have an ipad, are you using it to manage your schedule? With so many options, I think it is easier than ever to be organized.
I hope you enjoy your dodgeball, volleyball, and day trips next week. Hopefully the weather stays beautiful!