Wordle Boom – Mar. 2022

Hello everyone,

These days you are busy taking your tests. Two more days to go, good luck! On Wednesday teachers have a day to finish checking them and you have no school. So, here is some homework for you.


This is one of the most popular word games in the world right now. The game is very simple. Everyday there is a target 5 letter English word. For example “F – R – U – I – T”. Your job is to guess the word in 6 tries. If your guess has some of the same letters as the target word, they will change color. Yellow is the same letter, and green is the letter in the correct position. Take a look at my puzzle from this week:

My first guess, heart, had no matches. So, I don’t use those letters again.

My second guess, sound, showed me the target word started with S. I don’t use the other 4 letters.

My third guess gave me the middle “I”, and there was an “L” near the end. “C” and “K” are out.

So then I guessed “S – P – I – L – L” and got the answer.

I do this puzzle every morning as a way to warm up my brain. Some other teachers do too! You can share your answer with your friends, but don’t give away the answer!

If you try and finish a puzzle, please show me on your ipad and I will buy you a juice. Good luck!